Saturday, June 29, 2013

Paula Deen, Racism, and the Lower Standards of the Elites

Paula Deen, not 30 years ago only, but recently, is accused of using the N word, treating black people as inferior, segregating black and white bathrooms, making racist jokes, and planning "plantation parties" with blacks dressed in white, in manner Paula Deen admits as being representative of slaves. SLAVES.

There is a flood of disinformation about how this whole uproar is over something somebody said 30 years ago. Wrong. It's about current behavior and present attitudes manifested by Paula Deen.

This Old South, Confederate flag waving, white supremacist attitude is rotten to the core and needs to be humiliated and punished. All forms of racism, sexism, and other prejudice should be vigorously opposed and shamed. People need to be held accountable for their bad behavior.

Some are rallying to the defense of Paula Deen -- because they like her Food Network cooking show. Others will support alleged crimes by famous athletes, because they like how they perform in sports, or they'll defend famous musicians, because they like their music.

Our values are twisted. Just because you like what someone does in one realm of life, that should have  no bearing on their ethical inconsistencies or lack of morality in another realm. In fact, those who have more influence and privilege in life should be held to higher standards, not lower.

We idolize the stars and celebrities and overly-identify with them. They become part of us, in a morbid psychic cannibalism. We feed on them and swallow all their lies and BS. When they are accused or attacked, we take it personally.

Musicians. Actors. Sports heroes. Cooking show queens. They are protected by the fans, no matter what wicked thing is done.

Too frequently, the "high and mighty" among are given a pass. They are considered beyond the reach of normal morality. Why? Because they have money. 

It's typically only the poor who go to prison in many cases. White collar criminals, Wall Street crooks, politicians, and other ne'er-do-wells are seen to escape the repercussions that hit the average person.

Rich, powerful, famous celebrities often think they are above the law, above the ethical principles that the common "unwashed masses" are held to. This is one of the problems in this case.

Everybody asks for forgiveness when they start losing all their money due to public backlash and media ridicule. Asking for forgiveness is easy. Repentance (genuinely changing ones heart and orientation) is not so easy, nor is it common.

Politicians do this all the time. "I'm sorry if my words offended anyone." They aren't sorry for the words, they're sorry people were insulted.

"I did the best I could with the information I had at the time" is another cop-out.

"I was raised that way."

"All my friends were doing it."

"Don't blame me, it's the fault of my culture and environment."

Often they lie and deny any wrongdoing, as in the case of Lance Armstrong. They'll ruin other people's lives just to hang onto their empire and glory and wealth.

There is no guilt or shame or begging for mercy...until they get caught and exposed by the media, ditched by their sponsors and boycotted by the consumers.

You see how they idolize their fame and fortune, how they bitterly dread descending to low estate and having to mingle with the downtrodden. That is a fate worse than death to these elites.


Think this is a lot of fuss about something Deen said 30 years ago? You are mistaken

Take a look at the testimony in the deposition associated with the lawsuit against Paula Deen:

Huffington Post "Paula Deen Racist Comments"

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