Sunday, July 7, 2013

Your Website Needs Photos of Your Business Facility

One of the biggest mistakes I see on websites of local restaurants, shops, and businesses is -- not showing a photo of the facility.

People like to see what your store looks like. It helps them when they travel toward it to visit. As they walk, bicycle, bus, or drive their vehicle, they appreciate a mental image of what to expect.

Directions and maps are commonly provided on websites, and that's good.

But you're missing a marketing advantage when you fail to also show a photo of your place. I like it when that image is big on the home page. At bare minimum, it should be on the Contact Us or Map/Directions page.

Displaying a photo of the front of your business, and the sign by the entrance, will help differentiate you from your competitors, increase credibility, and enhance the memorability of your brand.

Yet it seems the vast majority of websites, if they show any photos of the business at all, show just the inside of the facility.

Often these photos are boring, generic-looking, with no happy, smiling customers enjoying the food or looking at the products. But it's very important to show not only the inside, but also the outside of your business.

Use photography strategically and you will gain a distinct and powerful competitive edge.

If you need some good, new photos, contact me. I'd be happy to help.

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