Thursday, March 6, 2014

Google means you don't have to be clueless anymore!

If you don't know what something is, or what some word means, Google it.

It's amusing to see someone post a comment on Facebook like "What is Bitcoin?" or "What does tertiary mean?" or "What are some home remedies for acid reflux?" Why announce to the world your lack of understanding, when you can Google it?

It's funny to see people post hoaxes on Facebook without doing some quick online research. Recently a friend posted a warning about how Facebook is going to start deleting accounts of people who use swear words, starting this year.

Just Google "Facebook swear words" to see articles on Snopes and other watchdog websites debunking this false information.

You'll have to learn how to come up with the best keywords for searching a topic, and how to sift through the search results listed, but in a short time you'll become good at it.

Internet search makes available a huge portion of the accumulated knowledge of mankind. It's hard to quantify it. Is it 10%? 50%? How do we define "knowledge"? 

Not all the information on the internet is true, accurate, or up-to-date. Much nonsense, error, and deliberate misinformation is available, too. So we must get good at determining the reliability and completeness of what we find when we Google something.

The data of the internet keeps expanding all the time. Sometimes you may Google something and find nothing. A few months later, you Google it again, and may find a lot of information.

Learning to distinguish good information from bad information is a real skill. Doing internet research is a marketable talent that will help almost anybody in any field of endeavor. 

You can Google "web credibility" to start your training. There are scholastic guidelines on how to tell if a website is authoritative and trustworthy. Various universities and journalism sites offer good tips on this subject of assessing the value of internet information. 

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