Monday, December 22, 2014

Americans blaming North Korea for more than Sony hack

Ever since the government started the trend, Americans are increasingly blaming North Korea for all kinds of things, with flimsy or no evidence.

They are blaming North Korea for such things as:

* the fact that chocolate fudge with nuts has nuts in it

* how boring Pawn Stars on History is for time travelers

* the lack of multi-culturalism in chemtrails (they're all white)

* the slow progress in sex robot development

* the complexity of coffee drinking etiquette

* atrocious Christmas sweaters and neckties

* web designer use of light gray text on white backgrounds

* how hard it is to learn C++ when you're drunk all the time

* the redundancy of books on blogging and social media

* the demise of the 8 track music cartridge come-back of 2012

* the refusal of Payless shoe stores to sell wooden shoes in Illinois

* the high cost of amanita muscaria mushrooms and PCP cigarettes at Summer Camp Music Festival

* the low grade humor in Saturday Night Live lately

* the termination of The Colbert Report

* how loudly Keith shuts doors, even though he says it's very quietly

* the scarcity of Dave Clark 5 tribute bands

* the lack of pizza parlors in Barnes & Noble stores

* the unavailability of jet packs so we can fly around in the air

* the failure of New Math venn diagrams to impact our world

* our losing the war against extraterrestrial UFO space invaders

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