Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Get Back to the Meat of Your Product

STREIGHT SEO Marketing Tips for 2015

#1 = Get Back to the Meat of Your Product

You have to stay focused on the real heart of your product. The meat. The central core. What is this essential bottom line reality of your product? The problem it solves for the customer.

It's easy to get carried away with contests, discounts, deadlines, special offers, spectacular events, email blasts, Facebook boosts, TV commercials, radio spots, billboards, etc. -- and drift away from hammering away at the real triggers that compel people to buy your items.

Gimmicks, stunts, and splashy glitzy excitement is not the best way to market most things. You need hard-nosed business acumen and strategic marketing expertise.

You need to zero in on the benefits and unique features of your product -- in a way that is memorable, rational, and complete.

"You don't sell bacon. You sell the sizzle." is an old advertising slogan. When I worked on Madison Avenue years ago, a principle was drilled into my brain -- the USP. Unique Selling Proposition.

You find that one huge benefit of your product.

You find out how customers talk about that need they have, which is fulfilled by your product.

You use their language in all marketing, conversational and competent -- not generic, we-oriented, corporate fluff.

You position your product as the answer to a need.

You differentiate yourself from all competitors with a unique claim or be first to claim something that competitors also have in their product, but have not advertised it yet.

What is the meat of your product?

How are you wafting the delicious aroma of it to those who are starving for a solution to their problem?

Cut through the typical boring hype. Get to the heart of what your product does for customers.

Make sure you have your product story nailed down BEFORE you go off on fancy flights of marketing imagination.
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