Saturday, June 6, 2015

Vaspers SEO and Advanced Technology Show 2015

I have revived my Vaspers SEO and Advanced Technology Show on BlogTalkRadio.

Here's a list of links to, and descriptions of, the currently available episodes.

"Company Slogans and Website Taglines"

Slogans should be creative, short, simple, and memorable.

It should make a legitimate claim your competitors cannot make, and imply or specify a desired benefit for customers.

Learn how to compose a corporate slogan for general marketing and online use, that will effectively differentiate your business from the competition and get more customers. A critique of slogans used by famous brands and local Peoria, IL businesses.

"Basic Introduction to SEO and Tips for Success"

Google-compliant search engine optimization (SEO) can give your website a huge competitive advantage.

But what exactly is SEO?

What specific aspects of my website does it fix for me? How does SEO help me rank higher and higher in search results for my top keywords? How can I accomodate structured data markup for semantic search, clickless search, voice search, mobile computing, and other new search realities and customer behaviors? How can I evaluate an SEO provider?

What is "black hat SEO"? Why are even big companies like Caterpillar Inc. making multiple errors in SEO? How can SEO increase online sales and phone calls to our office?

These and many other questions will be answered, quickly and completely, so you'll know what SEO is and how it drives more qualified customer traffic to your website.

SPECIAL: A recitation of my list of 52 SEO Audit items, with brief explanations.

"Biggest Mistakes Small Businesses Make"

"Biggest Mistakes Small Businesses Make" -- my latest Vaspers SEO and Advanced Technology Show podcast episode on BlogTalkRadio. (26:20) I explain 10 or 12 things that are killing small businesses, cancers that are eating them from the inside out.

Text Summary:

(1) Not receptive to critique about what's making them fail.

(2) Not paying attention to market leaders, successful competitors and innovative colleagues.

(3) Not adequately assessing customer needs, complaints, problems, desires.

(4) Overspending on TV commercials.

(5) No competitive differentiation with compelling slogan.

(6) Impersonal, aloof, cold, generic.

(7) We-oriented website, instead of customer-centric.

(8) Poor customer service.

(9) Hiring family members -- and retaining them due to blood ties, not performance.

(10) Fantasy profits based on sloppy bookkeeping.

(11) Under-investing and improperly using social media marketing.

(12) Horrible SEO values resulting in poor showing in search results.

"Street Photography and Website Images"

How engaging in street photography can help you take more effective photos for websites and social media marketing. 

By boldly going forth to photodocument your environment, or special places and events, you gain experience with your camera and develop an eye for interesting angles, perspectives, timing, and composition of images.

Learn how to bring a street photography aesthetic to the creation of pictures for use on your website.

"SEO and Social Media as Last Ditch Marketing"

How some companies wait until things are really bad before seeking SEO and social media marketing services. Thus, we consultants must be savvy about turnaround specialists and what they say causes small businesses to fail.

By knowing the raw realities of troubled businesses, you can design your SEO and social media marketing programs to support solutions that go deep into the heart of the problem.

Here are techniques for guiding clients from the brink of doom, back to profitability and increased brand loyalty.

"20 Common Mistakes in Website Design"

All these years since the web was developed by Tim Berners-Lee...and the same mistakes keep being made. Learn how to avoid ruining your website. Discover the most prevalent web design errors and how to correct them.

"Secrets of Web Content Development"

Tips on creating content for your website and social media platforms.

That's right. I said creating. Not "finding". Not "scraping". Not "copying and pasting".

It''s not rocket science, but many businesses seem clueless about how to generate content and why you need text, video, audio, and image content.

"Worst Mistake You Can Make in Web Design"

The "We-oriented" website is probably the most horrible type of corporate website.

Company-centric websites are full of news, events, and fluff, but fail to explain how any of it benefits the customer. Often there is no guidance on selecting the best product for a specific customer situation.

You've seen websites that were so busy strutting around, bragging about their company that you couldn't figure out which of their products was best suited to your situation.

You've see websites that were cold, aloof, dismal, with no photos of people smiling as they used a product to solve a problem, enhance a lifestyle, or satisfy a need.

Here's why you should not focus on your company or even your products, but on customer needs.

Make your website more prductive in achieving business goals. Communicate how your products solve customer problems -- and how your company is differentiated from competitors.

SHOW NOTE: A web designer calls in to my show and adds some great remarks about incorporating a blog into the website, using Facebook, obtaining web content, and related issues.

"Internet Trolls and How To Defeat Them"

Learn about various types of internet trolls and how they disrupt conversations.

Discover some very effective ways to smash them and make them have a nervous breakdown and voluntarily leave the debate thread.

"Ken Zurski on Radio Technology and Steamboat Disasters"

Ken Zurski is Operations Manager, Traffic One Traffic Center, JMP Radio Group (Peoria, IL).

Ken and I will discuss the evolving role of technology in metropolitan traffic reporting and radio broadcasting. He recently got some new equipment and his command center looks pretty cool.

Ken is the author of The Wreck of the Columbia, a book about the Titanic disaster event of the Peoria and Pekin IL area, when, in 1918, the steamboat Columbia sank in the Illinois river. (UPDATE: He has a newer book out now, called "Peoria Stories.")

The technology of the old steamboats and why so many of them caught fire and sank is make a fascinating and tragic topic.

"How To Use Social Media for Competitive Superiority"

Learn how to leverage the core values of social media: caring and sharing.

People join social networks to socialize, not to be bombarded with sales hype and press releases.

Let genuine altruism be your focus in social media, and you'll gain a strong competitive advantage.

This customer-centric strategy requires you to share your expertise, post links to authoritative information, and provide how to tips that demonstrate your professional insight.

Most companies don't know this secret to social media success. They see social networks as just another category of platforms to broadcast a one-way message to passive audiences.

Interact, be a warm and interesting person, and your social media marketing will positiion your company as the top of mind choice.

"Interview with Matthew David on HTML5"

Interview with Matthew David, author of "HTML5: Designing Rich Internet Applications" book.

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