Monday, October 8, 2012

How To Avoid Bad Job Training Program Scams

A Facebook friend asked if anyone had an opinion on ICC's truck driver training program. 

It's important to know if a training program is worth spending money on. You don't want to waste your money. You also don't want to receive inferior training that will be tough to unlearn.

My reply: Call some trucking companies around town and ask THEM what they think of it.

That's what matters. If they think ICC trains truck drivers well, they'll praise it. If they have been disappointed with drivers who got trained at ICC, and had to fire them, they may tell you so.

Or ask the firms, "What training programs or schools do your best truck drivers tend to come from?

You can substitute "nursing", "environmental science", "law", "marketing", "plumbing", or whatever field you're interested in. Call the firms that hire people in that field and ask where the best employees tend to come from...and where the worst employees tend to come from.

Asking people paid for a training what they thought of it is not the best way to discover its merits or defects. If they paid for it, they will probably say good things about it, if only to save face. Other times, they will complain because they got ripped off.

But the firms who hire people tend to have strong opinions about various training programs. They've hired people from these programs and when new hires from a particular program are consistently poor or mediocre, they may form a negative opinion of how those new hires were trained.

Before you sign up and pay for a training program, try contacting the various firms who hire people with that training. Ask the human resources or management people what training they'd recommend. They need highly skilled, competent people. They would not send you to a shabby program. 

If a lot of firms are in agreement about a particular training program being excellent, or terrible, then it's probably true.

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