Tuesday, May 14, 2013

SEO Resources

Here's a list of information on search engine optimization (SEO). 

Online Resources

Google Webmaster Tools

Google SEO Starter Guide [PDF]

Google Webmaster Central blog

Google's Inside Search blog

Matt Cutts (Distinguished Engineer at Google, in charge of web spam) blog

Search Engine Land

Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Roundtable

SEOMoz blog

Brad Geddes / Certified Knowledge blog

Traffick: the Business of Search blog

Webmaster Radio FM [podcasts]

SEO Book blog

Google Blogoscoped

Search Engine Watch

State of Search

SEO Chat [forums]

Local SEO Guide

Stone Temple blog

Recommended SEO Books

The Art of SEO – by Stephen Spencer, et al

Search Engine Optimization Secrets – by Danny Dover

Marketing in the Age of Google – by Vanessa Fox

Get to the Top on Google – by David Viney

Landing Page Optimization – by Tim Ash

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