Monday, August 26, 2013

Chandelierish Excellence of Expertise

Chandelier at newly renovated
Pere Marquette Hotel,
Peoria, IL USA

Can you be this elegant, memorable, dramatic
about the realm of your expertise.

What is the crown of your insights?

What are the best ideas you have on SEO,
web design, sales psychology, social marketing,
digital media, rich internet applications,
web usability, online reputation management,
mobile optimization, local search, keyword research?

What are the most important new trends
in your industry, in that sphere of life
where your product solves a problem
and benefits a customer?

How are your customers evolving?

What are they going to need 10 years
from now, and how are you already
perfecting and providing it
for those ahead of the curve?

If you were going to give a speech to
colleagues in your field,
what would be the topic?

If you were going to write a book on
what you know about your field,
how would you begin the book,
what would be the first idea
you'd want to communicate
to orient the reader and
grab their attention?

Acquire deep knowledge of your field.

Practice rigorous thinking about your field.

Attract new ideas and innovation
by keeping your mind fresh
and on fire for your field.

Be chandelierish in your
excellence of expertise.

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