Sunday, December 15, 2013

Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Means More Surveillance

Some people are getting ecstatic about Facebook Artificial Intelligence. But I can't think of anything "artificial" that is good. A lot of "artificial" stuff is toxic and malevolent. Or a cheap substitute for the real thing. 

When people praise "frictionless" ubiquity of devices, you must remember that "frictionless" was first used by Facebook to mean "without your permission or awareness." Thus, we become encased in digital prison that replaces our independence and freedom.

Some geeky types are heralding the triumph of the Machine Realm over the Human World. They eagerly anticipate the Humachine, the Bionic Man, the Half Man/Half Robot. They claim that social media and Facebook are vital aspects of the New Regime. They point to Graph Search and other unnamed "exciting features."

Graph Search sucks. Stalkers and predators like it, I suppose, but you still can't search your own FB content. There are no "exciting features" on Facebook, just more opportunities for advertisers, sales hype, rogue apps, hackers, and identity thieves.


Andrew Ng states: "Better machine learning will be able to help improve all of these features, as well as help Facebook create new applications that none of us have dreamed of yet.”

What might those futuristic advances be?

Facebook did not reply to repeated requests for comment.


Some talk about the Social Revolution or the Contextual Revolution.

There is no "Social/Contextual Revolution."

There is just increased surveillance and cat photos.

We seek contextual devices that will tell us what to do, what to think, where to go -- the very definition of dependency / slavery. We want devices to know us better than we know ourselves. We think this will make life easier. But actually it will make life far more restricted and easy to manipulate.

As we become more dependent on mobile, contextual, and wearable computers, we become weaker. We think we are increasing our ability to connect and discover, but simultaneously, we are becoming easier to track and control.

Robots are becoming smarter, stronger, and more lethal. Automated combat machines are getting good at killing humans, in violation of Asimov's Rules of Robotics.

Remember how in the 60s and 70s the media raved about "labor saving devices" that would take over all the burdensome chores and usher in a paradise of unlimited leisure time and unhindered pursuit of self-fulfillment? 

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