Sunday, February 22, 2015

Good Relations microdata for Ecommerce websites

SEO is getting more complex. But it's evolving in good directions. Good Relations is an example of the new ways HTML5 microformats can be used. Structured markup microdata is enabling search engines to be more semantic about search queries -- get better at interpreting the sentences, instead of responding robotically to keywords. 

Google states: "If Google understands your website’s content in a structured way, we can present that content more accurately and more attractively to Google users. For example, our algorithms can enhance your search results with “rich snippets” when we understand that your page is a structured product listing, event, recipe, review, or similar. We can also feature your data in Knowledge Graph panels or in Google Now cards, helping to spread the word about your content."

Also: "By using microdata markup in your web pages, you can specify reviews, people profiles, or events information on your web pages that Google may use to improve the presentation of your pages in Google search results....

Microdata has the nice property of balancing richness with simplicity. As you can see, it’s easy to add markup to your pages using a few HTML attributes like itemscope (to define a new item), itemtype (to specify the type of item being described), and itemprop (to specify a property of that item). Once you’ve added markup to a page, you can test it using the rich snippets testing tool to make sure that Google can parse the data on your page.

As with microformats and RDFa, the vocabulary that we support -- including which item types and item properties are understood by Google -- is specified in our rich snippets documentation as well as on Marking up your content does not guarantee that rich snippets will show for your site; Google will expand the use of microdata markup gradually to ensure a great user experience." should be implemented in all websites now. Your SEO or web designer should be putting it into your HTML document for your website.

SEO is evolving rapidly. It's now about blogging abundantly, adding new themed webpages based on emerging keywords, video optimizing, image strategy, personalized branding, mobile optimizing, correct use of meta tags, and incorporating the new micro-data in the HTML.

Ask your web designer or SEO specialist about, what it is, why we need it, and how to do it.

Chances are, if you say, "You know, structured micro-data markup to comply with Google Hummingbird semantic and clickless search," they'll look at you like you're speaking Greek (abstract philosophy) or Icelandic (a very difficult language).

Anyway, there are alternative linked data and deep meaning code proposals out there. Here's one specifically for eCommerce.

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