Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Joyce Carol Oates short stories and SEO

SEO and Modern Literary Giants

New addition to my literature library: short story collection by Joyce Carol Oates. SEO content writing can be influenced, should be in fact, by literary experience with the great authors, novelists, poets, lyricists, journalists, and humorists.

SEO includes writing content that connects with people. Famous writers have connected with people, often both the average person and the literary critics. To connect with the common herd and with specialists means you are good at communicating in a precise and popular manner. Too many websites have generic, boring, unimaginative content. 

Even when speaking of dry details, one can have some flair and finesse. Reading the good stories and books are key to SEO content creation.

About Joyce Carol Oates

In 1973, Oates began keeping a detailed journal documenting her personal and literary life; it eventually grew to "more than 4,000 single-spaced typewritten pages." In 2008, Oates said she had "moved away from keeping a formal journal" and instead preserves copies of her e-mails.

Frequent topics in her work include rural poverty, sexual abuse, class tensions, desire for power, female childhood and adolescence, and occasionally the supernatural.

Violence is a constant in her work, even leading Oates to have written an essay in response to the question, "Why Is Your Writing So Violent?"

She is a fan of poet and novelist Sylvia Plath, describing Plath's sole novel The Bell Jar as a "near perfect work of art"; but though Oates has often been compared to Plath, she disavows Plath's romanticism about suicide and among her characters, she favors cunning, hardy survivors, both women and men.

In the early 1980s, Oates began writing stories in the Gothic and horror genres; in her foray into these genres, Oates said she was "deeply influenced" by Kafka and felt "a writerly kinship" with James Joyce.


It is my conviction that all human beings "create" personality.

Some do so passively, helplessly, and are in a sense created by others, whom they come to fear or hate.

Others create their personalities half-consciously, and are therefore half-pleased with their creations, though they suspect something is missing.

A few human beings, gifted with the ability to "see" themselves as "other," and not overly intoxicated with the selfness of the self, actually devise works of art that are autobiographical statements of a hypothetical, reality-testing nature, which they submit with varying degrees of confidence to the judgment of their culture.

-- Joyce Carol Oates


Also see Joyce Carol Oates "The Myth of the Isolated Artist"

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