Google is now displaying Search Buttons as a "carousel" widget above image search. I did a search for "synthesizers" in Google Images and this is what came up.
This is my specialty field of marketing, SEO (search engine optimization) -- and this combines SEO and synthesizers.
CLICK on image for LARGER view.
Google is moving forward in contextual search, guessing what you might want to search for next.
I'm not sure how much of my previous searching factors into this.
Not much, apparently, because the Search Buttons should include Moog, DSI, modular, touchpad, ribbon controller, Arturia, Mutable Instruments, Ciat-Lonbarde, Folktek, Gotharman, and other relevant terms that I use often in search.
I horizontal scrolled through all the buttons. None of the above terms were included.
I had Private results activated, instead of Global, which means Google Search was allegedly factoring in my previous search behavior. Sure didn't seem like it.
I had Private results activated, instead of Global, which means Google Search was allegedly factoring in my previous search behavior. Sure didn't seem like it.
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