Tuesday, March 16, 2010

6 mistakes of social media marketing

I wrote this initially on Twitter. When I tweet more than 6 messages in a row on a specific topic, I realize, I've got me a blog post. Maybe.

Here's the series of tweets, my micro-seminar for this week, or today.

6 Mistakes of Social Media

#1 treating online community members as sitting ducks for sales hype w/out real interaction

#2 thinking people join social networks to receive deals, opportunities, commercial messages #3 fast results from inauthentic, non-altruistic, self-referential content, instead of value
#4 treating social networks as just another ad medium, instead of customer relations paradise
#5 mixing relentless inspirational quotes with sales messages instead of participating like a real human
#6 ghost contenting = pretending it's Guy Kawasaki but it's really a subordinate team you relate to

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