Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Right click this mp3 file and Save Link As: Vaspers: Adventures in Robotland
A few days ago, I had an unexpected learning experience during my Blog Talk Radio program "Vaspers Presents".
I was forced into doing Radio Theater when a scheduled interview guest didn't show.
Luckily, I had loaded a lot of broadcast sound effects into my host switchboard. As I waited for the guest to call in, I slapped together a flimsy narrative and made up characters on the fly. I'd make a statement, play a sound effect (including snippets of conversation or exclamations), and try to tie it all together with a loosely knit plot and fragile suspense.
It was such fun, the next day, I tried doing a short show that was entirely Radio Theater in nature, with sound effects and music and talking as an advanced robotic systems / ubiquitous network administrator.
Join me as I stumble around the RobotLand laboratories and try to biolocate the Robot Room where finished units are kept prior to shipping. Lesson learned: don't push buttons to "find out what they do".
Be sure to also listen to these Vaspers radio theater podcasts:
Worst How To Books Ever Published
Misadventures of a Day Actuarian
Amoeba Mice
Trouble at Robot Land Labs
Rent a Party
Robot Rejects vs. the Moon Mutants
Adventures in Robot Land
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